Thursday, January 22, 2015

It may be an allergy Some of us are less fortunate all: they have an allergy to substances contained in alcohol: sulfur dioxide, yeast or additives. Typical symptoms: skin rash, runny nose, and shortness of breath. Most often causes allergic red wine as opposed to white. Smoking aggravates the hangover In 2005, college students participated in the experiment. They were offered a drink. Some of them just have a snack, and the other part is still and lights. The result: more smokers drank in the morning and felt worse than non-drinking buddies. Why smoking worsens a hangover? Scientific opinion is divided. Some people believe that smoking increases the desire to drink more, others believe that nicotine increases the effects of alcohol. The darker the alcohol, the harder hangover Bourbon, red wine and rum contain a lot of by-products of fermentation. They turn the body into formaldehyde - a highly toxic substance, guilty of a hangover. Genetics plays a role Studies show that half of the cases the severity of a hangover depends on the genes, the other half - from external factors, for example, the speed and quality of drinking snacks. It is known that the majority of Asians produce little enzymes that break down alcohol. And that means that they have a hangover heavier. Do not want a hangover - Eat protein. Little anatomy. The protein has the ability to slow down the activity of the pyloric sphincter, which promotes food from the stomach into the small intestine. It was there that the most active alcohol is absorbed. Therefore, satisfying protein snack - the perfect remedy for a hangover. Alcohol and soda - hangovers provided Gas in beverages, conversely, the pyloric sphincter opens and, as a result, the alcohol quickly processed in the small intestine and quickly enters the blood. The higher the alcohol content in the blood, the worse you feel in the morning. Hangover dries brain Headache that comes along with a hangover is associated with dehydration of the brain. Alcohol inhibits the production of the hormone vasopressin, which maintains the water level in the body. Women are more susceptible Women have more fat, and men - more muscle. Giroux requires more water than the muscles, and it takes fluid in the other organs and systems, including and in the brain. Therefore, women experiencing heavier hangover.
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